The theme of the January 20, 2014 festive New Year's party and potluck dinner held at the lovely Beverly Hills home of Dorothy Victor was in honor of Valeria Finzi, a prominent and beloved 20th century harpist and harp teacher, originally from Italy, who lived for many years in Los Angeles, and in whose honor the Valeria Finzi Memorial Scholarship fund was established. 


 above: Valeria Finzi and her husband Alberto


 Liesl Erman and Stephanie Osborne (L and R) who studied with Ms. Finzi, and Stella Castellucci (center) who was friends with her, recount their fond memories of her. 


Guests enjoy the potluck dinner. 


Kendra and Kalista Base play harp duets during the cocktail hour. 


the Gentlemen Harpists' contingent: Ted Nichelson and Brian Noel enjoy some refreshments. 


AHS-LA president Stephanie Bennett with one of Dorothy Victor's harps. 









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